Breakfast and After School Club
At John F Kennedy Primary School, we offer clubs before and after school to help if parents have work or family commitments and would find it difficult to have their children at school for the normal start of the day or to be picked up at the finish of the school day.
During these sessions, food is provided, and activities are on offer to keep the children engaged.
Breakfast Club
7.45am - 8.40am
£3.50 per session
After School Club
3.20pm - 5.30pm
£7.00 per session
To make a booking for one of these clubs, follow the link below. Please note, this form closes at 8am every Monday for the week ahead, therefore any bookings required after this point need to be made via the school office. Payments should be made via ParentPay.

Extra Curricular Clubs
Each term, we have a wide selection of after school clubs delivered to different year groups. Each school member of staff offers at least one block of activity each year, which are then supplemented by coaches and other organisations we work with.
A termly plan of clubs available to each year group will be shared with parents in advance, and using ParentPay, they can sign their child up to their chosen club.