The School Day
The school day begins at 8:40am for all children, when the school doors are opened for pupils to enter the building. The doors are closed at 8.50am, when the register is taken. The school day ends at 3:20pm.
Please visit the 'Year Zones' to find timetables for each year group.
There are two sessions in the nursery for 15-hour children. These are either between 8:50am until 11:50am, or from 12:20pm until 3:20pm. Nursery children don't have a designated playtime, as they have continuous access to their very own outdoor area that is open for most of the school day. Our 30-hour children stay for lunch, and this is between 11:40am until 12:20pm.
Reception children don't have a designated playtime on the school yard, as they have continuous access to their very own outdoor area that is open for most of the school day. Reception children go for their lunch at 11:45am and Reception staff eat with the children in our dining hall. The afternoon session starts at 12:45pm.
Key Stage One
Children in years one and two have an assembly each day at 10:30am. They have play time from 10:45am until 11:00am. Lunch time begins at 12.00pm and the afternoon session starts at 1:00pm.
Key Stage Two
Children in years three to six have an assembly each day at 10:45am. Children in years three and four have play time from 10:30am until 10:45am. Children in years five and six have play time from 11:00am until 11:15am. Year three and year four begin their lunch at 12:15pm and the afternoon session starts at 1:00pm. Years five and six begin their lunch at 12:30pm and their afternoon session starts at 1:15pm.
Children in Treehouse begin the school day at 9:15am, and they finish school at 2:45pm. Lunch time begins at 11:45am and the afternoon session starts at 12:45pm. Play times are taken at a convenient time during the school day on their designated yards.

School Meals
If your child is in reception, year 1 or 2 they are entitled to a free school meal.
The price of a school meal for pupils in nursery and years 3 to 6 will be £2.30 per day.
Click below for more information on our school meals and to view the menu.

School Uniform
The Governing Body and staff of JFK strongly believe that a uniform helps children to develop a sense of belonging to the school and promotes equality of opportunities.
The school no longer sells uniform direct to our parents, all items of John F Kennedy branded uniform can be purchased through Little Gems situated on Crowther Industrial Estate.
- Royal blue sweatshirt/ cardigan with school badge
- White polo shirt or shirt
- Black or grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress
- Sensible black shoes
- Blue gingham dress in summer/ grey shorts
- Royal blue fleece jacket with school logo (optional)
Wellington boots must be worn on snowy days with a change of footwear for indoors.
We strongly discourage hairstyles with shaved patterns, ‘high’ spikes and dyed hair.
PE kit consists of:
- White t-shirt (a separate item from the white polo shirt or shirt worn in school during the day).
- Black shorts/ tracksuit bottoms or leggings.
- Trainers or sandshoes (plimsolls).
- Draw string PE bag to keep PE kit together on children’s pegs.
On health and safety grounds, we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school. The exceptions to this rule are ear-ring studs in pierced ears, and small objects of religious significance. We ask the children to either remove these objects during PE and games, or cover them with a plaster, to prevent them from causing injury