In 2014, the government produced a new code of practice updated in January 2015. The school follows the code of practice for pupils with special or additional needs. In the main school all classes are of mixed ability and teachers provide work that is relevant to the needs of each pupil. Pupils may receive extra classroom support.
If a child has special or additional needs or has a specific disability, parents/carers will be invited to discuss their child being added to the special educational needs and disability register. These children will have a support plan which identifies their needs and is specific to them. The plan will be reviewed regularly with parents/carers.
For some children, school may need to involve specialist services for advice. Parents will always be informed of this in advance and be invited to discussions before the referral.
In January 2021, an additionally resourced provision (ARP) called the Treehouse was opened at John F Kennedy. Its purpose is to meet the needs of pupils who have a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and meet the criteria for entry. To access a provision place, the Treehouse must be named on the child’s EHCP. The capacity of the Treehouse is 24 places.
Mrs Mewes is our SENDCo who is responsible for children on the SEND register and for supporting staff and parents. Mrs Mewes can be contacted, via the school telephone number, on 0191 490 6454. Denise Hepplewhite is our SEND Link Governor who can also be contacted on 0191 490 6454.

SEND Information Report
Click below to read the Special Education Needs Information Report.
Report to Governors
Click below to read the Annual Report for Governors.