Ofsted Report

Click below to read our 2021 Ofsted Report

4AF Science Intervention 1

Music School Development Plan

Please find below a copy of our music school development plan for the academic year 2024-2025.

School Profile

Click below to view our school profile.

Results and Data

Click below to view the DfE Performance Tables for our school to view our statutory data for the academic year 2023-2024.

Pupil Premium Report

Pupil premium funding is additional funding (£1,345 per pupil) allocated to a school in order to improve educational outcomes for disadvantaged pupils. The funding is aimed at pupils from reception to year 6 who are eligible for free school meals or who were registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the previous 6 years.

Children in reception, year 1, year 2 and those in our nursery full-time will receive free-school meals automatically.  However, schools cannot access the funding unless the appropriate documentation has been completed. So, if you think your child may be eligible for pupil premium funding, please ask the school office for an application form for free school meals or download the form here and return it to the school office once completed.

Funding of £2,345 is also allocated to looked after children, or those who have ceased to be looked after because of adoption, special guardianship order or child arrangement order. 

Pupils recorded as service children have additional allocated funding of £310.

At John F Kennedy Primary, we use pupil premium funding in a number of ways to improve children’s academic, social and emotional outcomes. Please look at our pupil premium strategy statement to see how we intend to use the funding to support pupils in our school.

Click below to read our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-2025.

PE Funding and Data

Click below to view our PE Sports Funding Plan 2024-2025 and Swimming Data.

PE Top Field 11